Our Blog

Fiamma Jean-Baptiste Fiamma Jean-Baptiste

Black Women in the Workplace: The Secret Weapon of Success

We all know the challenges Black women face at work. But there's a secret weapon: support networks! These communities offer guidance, resources, and a powerful network of allies. Learn how to build your village and unlock your full potential.

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Fiamma Jean-Baptiste Fiamma Jean-Baptiste

The Unapologetic Need for Safe Spaces for Black Women

Dive deep into the experiences of Black Women in Corporate America as we discuss the pressing issues of microaggressions, pay gap, and the dearth of representation in leadership. Drawing from renowned sources like LeanIn and McKinsey studies, this insightful piece shines a light on the unique challenges faced by Black women. Learn about the importance of safe spaces for Black women, the findings from the Hue's State of Inequity Report, and the transformative work of M.O.R.E. Uncover the multifaceted nature of Black women's experiences amidst broader gender inequality discussions and the call for genuine DEIB efforts in the corporate world.

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Fiamma Jean-Baptiste Fiamma Jean-Baptiste

Laying Down the Armor: Redefining "Strength" for Black Women

Society expects Black women to be unbreakable, carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. But the myth of the strong Black woman is a double-edged sword, celebrating resilience while burdening us with the pressure to always be strong. It's time to redefine "strength" and embrace vulnerability, self-care, and the courage to seek support. Join us on a journey to challenge the myth and create a new narrative that honors our humanity and promotes balance.

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Fiamma Jean-Baptiste Fiamma Jean-Baptiste

Beyond Imposter Syndrome: The Black Woman's Dilemma of Asking for Help in Corporate America

Embarking on the corporate journey as a Black woman often feels like an unending quest to validate one's competence. This quest is often characterized by the fear of asking for help, driven not by a lack of belief in collaboration, but by a fear of being perceived as incompetent.

In this candid exploration, we dive into this fear that many Black women in corporate America face. This is not just a journey through the layers of imposter syndrome, but an in-depth exploration of how systemic biases and external perceptions within our workplaces often exacerbate these internal struggles. We look at the detrimental impacts on work-life balance and mental health, all born from the silence maintained due to the fear of appearing less competent.

In advocating for a change, this piece is a call to action for Black women and indeed all employees, to normalize the act of seeking help. It is an invitation to join a collective journey towards a healthier, balanced, and more empowering corporate experience for Black women.

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Fiamma Jean-Baptiste Fiamma Jean-Baptiste

Unmasking the Racism Within "Professionalism": How Cultural Norms Exclude Black Women

Have you ever stopped to consider the roots of professionalism? This thought-provoking blog post sheds light on the intricate connection between professionalism and racism, with a specific focus on the exclusionary experiences faced by Black women. Throughout history, cultural norms rooted in whiteness have shaped the definition of professionalism, systematically marginalizing those who don't conform to these norms. Unjust scrutiny and discrimination towards Black women's hairstyles and speech patterns reveal the deep-seated biases that perpetuate racial inequalities within professional spaces. Join us as we delve into the historical context, unpack real-life examples, and challenge the status quo.

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Fiamma Jean-Baptiste Fiamma Jean-Baptiste

From Compensation Gap to Purposeful Pursuit: My Journey to M.O.R.E

After learning I was paid $100,000 less than my peers, I turned my experience of a compensation gap into a catalyst for change. Join me on a transformative journey as I unmask the challenges faced by Black women in the professional world. Find out how M.O.R.E empowers and uplifts through career resources, mentorship, and transformative retreats. Let's remove the mask together

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Fiamma Jean-Baptiste Fiamma Jean-Baptiste

The Impact of Masking on Black Women in Corporate America

Unmasking the Struggle: How does masking impact Black women in corporate America? Discover the hidden toll, the psychological burden, and the path to authentic empowerment. Join the conversation, share your experiences, and together, let's remove the mask.

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Fiamma Jean-Baptiste Fiamma Jean-Baptiste

Navigating Workplace Microaggressions as a Black Woman

πŸ™‹πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ Raise your hand if you’ve experienced a microaggression at work? As a Black woman, navigating these situations can be tough. But fear not! In this blog post, I share strategies to address microaggressions effectively and create a more inclusive workplace. Let's challenge the status quo together!

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